Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Who? Anyone and everyone should prepare for the future!

What?  Everyone prepares for something different.  Depending on where you live, natural disasters are something you definitely want to be prepared for.  Anything from power outages to zombie apocalypses… you’ll be better off if you’re prepared.

When?  Anytime!  Natural disasters, or anything else you may be preparing for, can literally happen at any moment; often with zero warning!  That’s why it’s important to get prepared now so that you’re ready when something happens.

Where?  Everywhere!  Obviously, if you live in California, you’re probably not going to prepare for a hurricane but you’ll probably want to put some thought into what you would do if a large earthquake struck.  If you live in Florida, you’d want to prepare for a hurricane but you’re probably not going to be as worried about earthquakes.  Your location will greatly impact what you should prepare for as far as natural disasters.  There’s also plenty of things that everyone can prepare for no matter where you live.

Why? Preparing can put your mind more as ease.  If you’re thinking ahead about potential events that might happen, you’re going to have more time to run through scenarios and think of solutions to problems that might arise while you’re calm and not under pressure.  A simple example would be a power outage… when you’re a kid and haven’t experienced one before, it can be very scary.  As adults, we know that the power could go out anytime and for any reason.  We could prepare by having flashlights or candles readily available.  Knowing that we have things ready that will help us get through the outage makes us feel better.  

My Passion

Almost greater than my passion for preparedness is my passion for helping others prepare.  When I first started prepping in 2005, I wasn’t sure where to start or what to do first.  I was reading online how to get going and that only made me feel panicked and like I needed to do things quickly but I didn’t know what to do, what to buy or how to begin.  Looking back now, I definitely made things more complicated then they needed to be.  Anyone can start preparing at any stage of their life with any budget at all.  There were times in my prepping journey when we literally could only afford to buy about $5 of extra food a month to add to our stockpile.  There were other times when we’d get a big tax return and were able to buy a lot of bulk items to add.  The most important part is to continue adding to what you have, even if it’s small amounts; keep moving forward and growing.  After some time, prepping become a lifestyle and you naturally start thinking differently.  Although it’s daunting at first, I wouldn’t change this lifestyle for the world!  You live in such greater peace knowing that you’re at least somewhat prepared for many things that could happen.  

My Goals

My goal for this page is to help as many people as I can with information I’ve gathered over the years.  Sharing ideas is a great way to help those ideas grow into something even better; brainstorming if you will.  I also have so many products that I have and love that I want to share with everyone to help you grow as a prepper and have even more resources at your fingertips.  Even if it’s only over the internet, I’d love to build a community feel to my page where people can ask questions and feel comfortable coming forward with questions or suggestions.