Want to build your own website but don't know where to start?

Bluehost is a great option!

Not only is Bluehost affordable, it’s also a very popular web host so there’s lots of helpful videos available to guide you through each step of creating your website.  If I can do it- anyone can do it!  (Using my link below helps me out so thank you in advance!)

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So you signed up for a domain and host... now what?

  • I had heard about Word Press before but had no idea how to use it.  (Word Press is what you use to actually build your website pages)  YouTube to the rescue!!  This video was beyond helpful!  I assumed I could figure out the whole website thing on my own but I was so wrong!  I couldn’t figure out what the heck I was doing and it all felt so difficult before I watched this video… this guy is amazing and helps you step by step to get your website set up.  
  • This video will show you how to set up a homepage… This was especially helpful for me after my homepage somehow got switched while I was setting up my site.  (I’m telling you- setting up this site was like pulling teeth for me… I had troubles at every turn, which is why I wanted to share what helped me.)

How do people contact you?

  • This video absolutely saved me!  I could not figure out how to make the “Contact me” links and buttons work… I watched multiple videos, downloaded many plugins that I couldn’t get to work right but this video suggested the Contact 7 plugin and it worked amazing.  (The only thing in this video that didn’t work for me was changing the “From” away from the default WordPress e-mail… once I switched it back to the WordPress one, it worked perfectly fine and I receive my e-mails with no issues.)
  • This video helped me figure out what the heck was going on with my menu.  At first I was so confused why all of my pages were automatically listed in the menu on the top right…  It was crowded and looked awful but this video explained how to change that.

Are there other options?

Absolutely yes!!  Bluehost is definitely not your only option!  There are actually a ton of different choices for hosts but I’d go with a big name so that you’ll get the support you might need.  Host Gator is amazing also and is actually ranked higher then Bluehost!  (I heard about it after I signed up with Bluehost or I may have chosen it myself.)  And the best part is, Host Gator has the Word Press option also which means all those helpful links I have above will help you just the same with Host Gator.  You really can’t go wrong with either hosting site in my opinion.  I believe Host Gator is still around the exact same money as Bluehost… possibly a tiny bit cheaper but not enough to matter.  (The link below is an affiliate link so it helps me if you sign up through it if you decide to sign up)